Can gentiles have Salvation? Which Gentiles can be saved? Gentiles are any human being not of the race of Israel. The short answer is yes. But there is a catch. I will get to that later. However, I will establish some Biblical precedents below to show that it had happened before in history and obviously…
Category: Friends & Neighbors of Israel
The Christians regard themselves as friends of Israel. But they are referring to their White brothers in the Jewish state of Israel. The Friends of the Israel of GOD are the Negroid, black peoples of the World. GOD Word is Infallible. The page of the Bible declares the Word of the Living
2Timothy 3:16–17 Every scripture is God inspired, and beneficial for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction– the one in righteousness; that the man of God
should be complete for accomplishing every good work.
Two theological terms are used to explain the nature of the Bible. They are
inerrancy and infallibility. Both point out the significant difference between the
Bible and all other books written by a man. Many use these terms
interchangeably. But infallibility means incapable of making a mistake, while
inerrancy means the absence of any error.
Infallibility has the idea of being trustworthy, while inerrancy goes further and
says that the Scriptures contain no errors whatsoever. The Author of the Bible
obviously cannot declare anything that is contrary to fact. Therefore, to confess
that the Word of God is infallible, we declare that the Scriptures are incapable of
teaching any errors or inaccuracies. By implication, the Scripture is perfect.
But this argument should be conditional on whether we are talking about the
original Word of GOD. That one penned by the original prophets through whom
GOD spoke these Words.