Rape & The Impact on Black Y-DNA. From late 2017 to 2019 the interest in DNA testing exploded. People were buying DNA testing kits and sharing the result on the internet and YouTube. The DNA boom has made genetic testing one of the hottest conversations worldwide and especially in America. There are three types of…
What is the Final Affliction in the Bible?
What is the Final Affliction in the Bible? Thayer Definition: Affliction (G2347) 1) a pressing, pressing together, pressure 2) metaphorically oppression, affliction, tribulation, distress, straits. However, In the King James Bible, they substituted the word “Tribulation”. It means the same thing. Christian eschatology, says that the Tribulation is a time when everyone will experience worldwide…
King Solomon of Israel was an evil unsaved man
King Solomon of Israel was an evil, unsaved man. This world focuses on great men and women. They need heroes to serve and glorify themselves with. Throughout the ages, many of these heroes have cropped up on the world stage. But once glorious heroes of the nation are now dead forever. Men like Winston Churchill;…
Was Paul Apostle to the Gentiles or Israel?
Was Paul Apostle to the Gentiles or Israel? According to the Christian teaching and secular tradition, the Apostle Paul ministered to Gentile people. They will even point to verses such as (Gal_1:2) to substantiate these claims. But there is big problem with this idea. The Bible is consistent with the fact that all the Apostles,…
Edom not the White man but all unsaved people
Edom is not the White man but all unsaved people of the world are. Many in the so-called black community think Esau is the Whiteman. This may have come from the influence of the Hebrew Israelite community. Bible scholars approach the Bible as they would any man-made book. But we know of Esau through the…
CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only
CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only. Christianity today makes up 32% of all religions in the world. It is the religion of the Western societies that run this world. Their claim to fame is centered on an erroneous and baseless idea that JESUS provided salvation for them when HE died on the cross….
Did Moses really wrote the Torah or JEDP?
Did Moses really wrote the Torah or JEDP? There is a deadly hypothesis denying that Moses wrote the Torah. It is widely taught in Christian Theological colleges today. It is the so-called Documentary (JEDP) hypotheses. This teaches that various anonymous authors compiled five books (plus other portions of the Old Testament). They claim that these…
What are Noah’s sons correct birth order?
What are Noah’s sons correct birth order? Although this study is titled Shem, Ham and Japheth, the correct birth order, this is not so much to prove the correct birth order of Noah’s three sons. The Bible already has them listed in the correct chronological order. But many extra-Biblical sources have them listed in different…
Proof America is Babylon of the Bible
Proof America is Babylon of the Bible. It is obvious that the Babylon of the Bible is a reference to the United States of America. The reference could not be any other country. Yet many of today’s preachers and Bible commentators will tell you it is something else. But these are only ideas out of…
Sinners are never interned in Hell but annihilated
Sinners are never interned in Hell but annihilated. In religion, it is an afterlife location. The place where evil souls are subjected to punitive suffering, The concept of a punitive place of eternal damnation for sinners has always been part of the Christian dogma. This study will show that GOD is not like man. HE…