Proof America is Babylon of the Bible. It is obvious that the Babylon of the Bible is a reference to the United States of America. The reference could not be any other country. Yet many of today’s preachers and Bible commentators will tell you it is something else.
But these are only ideas out of the minds of man. America is identified in the scriptures by its great wealth.
Rev 18:17-19 For in one hour was made desolate so great a wealth. And every navigator, and all upon the boats sailing, and seamen, and as many as work the sea stood from far off, and crying out seeing the smoke of her burning fire, saying, What is likened to the great city? And they threw dust upon their heads, and cried out, weeping and mourning, and saying, Woe, woe the great city, in which were enriched all the ones having the ships in the sea from her valuables, that in one hour she was made desolate.

This describes a calamitous and unprecedented occasion. If this is America, then the verses describe its destruction.
Proof America is Babylon of the Bible because no other entity could fit this description
The question is whether this is talking about America or another country or entity. The Bible has solid Proof America is Babylon. Christian theologians and Supremacists teachers have set out to darken the eyes of their followers. They mention other entities as the possible “Babylon” of the Bible. These include New York City, Saudi Arabia, An Evil world system, Rome, the Vatican, and even Iraq. But they pitch these ideas to deflect from the obvious truth. The Bible clearly has Proof America is Babylon of the Bible.
New York
The “holier-than-thou” Christian hypocrites like to mention this one. Their televangelists would have you believe that America is sinless outside of New York. One reason they pick on New York is because of a Bible verse that describes Babylon as a great city. For example:
Rev_18:10 standing from far off on account of the fear of her torment, saying, Woe, woe to the great city, Babylon, the strong city, for in one hour your judgment came
But the Bible also references the Kingdom of GOD as a city in the following verse.
Rev_22:14 Blessed are the ones observing his commandments, that their authority will be unto the tree of life, and by the gatehouses they should enter into the city
You will have to imagine the city of GOD as one city among other cities of GOD. Of course, But this would be ridiculous. Therefore New York can never be what the Bible describes as Babylon.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is also another favorite because of its great wealth. But Saudi Arabia’s gross domestic product lags behind at least 16 countries. No one can imagine Saudi Arabia as being on par with the economic giant of America.
“Evil world system”
Then there is the Evil World System. But the Babylon of the Bible speaks to a national and geographical entity. If that is true, then the entire world is Babylon. The following verses clearly show Babylon to be a geographical/political entity.
Isa_13: 19 And Babylon will be ( the place which is called honorable by the king of the Chaldeans) in which manner God eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah.
But the same verse describes the nature of Babylon as like Sodom and Gomorrah which GOD burned out of existence. Therefore, Babylon is a country.
Many Christian scholars like to think that “Babylon” is a metaphor for the pagan Roman Empire. They relate this to the time of persecution of so-called Christians by the Romans. But there are two things that make this idea absurd.
Firstly, it was the Roman themselves that later issued “the Edict of Milan in 313.” This effectively legalized Christianity as the religion of the Roman empire. Secondly, if we should go by the language of Revelation then Rome would have had a calamitous end. We know that never happened. The fact is this chapter describes an end-time event.
Rev_18:21 And one strong angel lifted a stone as a great millstone, and cast it in the sea, saying, Thus with impulse shall Babylon the great city be thrown, and in no way shall be found any more
These verses describe the language of the “end-time”, and we haven’t gotten there yet!
The Vatican
the Seven Day Adventists and others push this idea. It relates to a New World Order scenario. This supposedly includes a Vatican-inspired conspiracy to install universal Sunday (Sabbath) worship. They have yet to present any evidence to support this absurd idea. The Bible describes Babylon as a great and extremely wealthy mercantile nation. It is today’s contemporary of a superpower.
Rev 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise any longer; Rev 18:12 merchandise of gold, and of silver, and of precious stone, and of pearl, and of linen, and of purple goods, and of silk, and of scarlet goods, and all wood of thyine, and every item of ivory, and every item of most precious wood, and of brass, and of iron, and of marble, Rev 18:13 and cinnamon, and incenses, and perfumed liquid, and frankincense, and wine, and olive oil, and fine flour, and grain, and cattle, and sheep, and horses, and coaches, and bodies, and souls of men.
The Vatican has never been an instrument of international commerce and wealth. It has never been an important nation. As of 2021 only 800 lives there.
Iraq is and was always a third-world country. It has minimal control over its own destiny. America owns them. Because we read:
Rev 17:18 And the woman whom you saw is the great city, the one having kingship over the kings of the earth.
America is Babylon of the Bible, The Proof revealed in their Hypocrisy and self-righteousness.
You will quickly recognize America’s true nature despite her pretenses. she is morally bankrupt and degenerate. The LORD America to that of Sodom and Gomorrah. The LORD eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness
Isa 13:19 And Babylon will be (the place which is called honorable by the king of the Chaldeans) in which manner God eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah.

Babylon is the country, and the Chaldeans are its inhabitants. Just like Americans inhabitants of America) The king of the Chaldeans is its political and spiritual leader. In their eyes, America is glorious and free from sins. They are GODlike.

They champion themselves as a pinnacle of virtue. A supposedly Christian, the most rabid flag-waving white supremacist, and the rabid flag-waving Americanist/capitalist esteem America.
Today America falsely accuses other nations of human rights violations. Lots of hot air about the Uyghurs in China. At the same time, conveniently forgetting to mention the constant abuse of the human rights of its black citizenry. Even today, Police killing, and lynching are common occurrences.
Spiritual harlotry and abomination is Proof America is Babylon of the Bible
One should remember that the most notable thing about Sodom and Gomorrah is the act of homosexuality and sexual indulgences
Rev 17:4-5 And the woman was wearing purple and scarlet, gilded with gold, and precious stone and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the uncleanliness of her harlotry. And upon her forehead a name being written, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the abominations of the earth.

That was a perfect description of America. The Propagation of worldwide homosexuality and other sexual perversions. They also export the false religion of Christianity with its twin sister of Capitalist exploitation, greed, pride, and warmongering all over the world.
The most prosperous and wealthy country ever is Proof America is Babylon of the Bible
From the Bible’s account, at the time of falling (Babylon) would have been the most prosperous and wealthy nation that ever existed. It would represent the most catastrophic incident for the world economy and merchants.
Rev 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise any longer; Rev 18:12 merchandise of gold, and of silver, and of precious stone, and of pearl, and of linen, and of purple goods, and of silk, and of scarlet goods, and all wood of thyine, and every item of ivory, and every item of most precious wood, and of brass, and of iron, and of marble, Rev 18:13 and cinnamon, and incenses, and perfumed liquid, and frankincense, and wine, and olive oil, and fine flour, and grain, and cattle, and sheep, and horses, and coaches, and bodies, and souls of men.
America has been the wealthiest and will still be until its fall. The website Visual Capitalist has America owning 30% of the world economy, Total wealth by country in 2019 though they represent only 4% of the world population.
It is remarkable the nations: China, South Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong together represent only 32% of the world’s wealth. They represent 40% of the people of the world. But these countries have become wealthy because of the goods and services they provide America. This wealth is generated by American consumption. Americans only represent 4% of the world population.
Rev 18:3 For of the rage of the wine of her harlotry all the nations are given to drink; and the kings of the earth committed harlotry with her; and the merchants of the earth were enriched of the power of her indulgence.
Pride and arrogance are Proof America is Babylon of the Bible
The thought of ascending to the stars evokes the memory of Nimrod and his one-world religion. It was all about pride. The pride of Satan that caused his curse. Nimrod was building a tower to ascend unto the Heavens to challenge GOD. He was lifting himself unto the stars. But where is Nimrod now?
According to the following verses America has placed itself equal to GOD. Although they pretend to worship the GOD of Israel using the false religion of Christianity. But the tenet of their religious beliefs come from Capitalism and Evolution (no GOD) They have replaced GOD.
Isa_14:13 But you said in your heart, Unto the heaven I shall ascend; I will put my throne upon the stars of the heaven; I shall sit on a high mountain, upon the high mountains towards the north;
But GOD’s response is that it does not matter how much America vaunts itself against HIM, HE will bring judgment against them.
Oba 1:4 If you should rise up on high as an eagle, and if in the midst of the stars you should put your nest, from there I will lead you down, says the LORD.
Later we will see how GOD will use other nations to destroy America.
Jer_51:53 For though Babylon should ascend as the heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength; from me shall come ones utterly destroying her, says the LORD.
All Bible prophecy must relate to the true people of Israel
The Bible contains the history and the journeys of the true people of Israel. It records GOD’s commandments to them. It regards the way they should walk to reach the required goal of Salvation. Therefore, every prophecy in the Bible must relate to them.
In 587 BCE the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonian empire. We know that this nation of Babylon no longer exists today. Therefore, any reference to Babylon is allegorically pointing to another nation of today. We can know this nation by investigating its relationship with the people of Israel. Original Babylon had a master-slave relationship with the people of Israel. It was brutal and oppressive.
There is a master-slave relationship between America and the people of Israel today. It is brutal, murderous, and oppressive. The following verse and others connect the people of Israel to the Babylon of today –America
Rev 17:6 And I saw the woman being intoxicated of the blood of the holy ones, and of the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And I marveled, having seen her, with great wonder.
This relationship started from the continent of Africa through the trans-Atlantic slave trade and colonialism. I will now put this into context.
The seven colonial powers that divided Africa and send its people in slavery
The following verses introduce the origin of America.
Rev 17:7 And the angel said to me, Why did you marvel? I will tell to you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast, of the one bearing her, of the one having the seven heads and the ten horns; Rev 17:9 Here is the mind of the one having wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains where the woman sits upon them.
Obviously, the term sits upon them is indicating that the woman (America) has rulership over these seven kingdoms who are the head of the beast. At this point, we can identify seven countries with a slave master relationship with the people of Israel. These countries should also have an ancestral relationship with America.
History reveals these countries as the countries that had colonies in Africa were: There are seven of them: Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain
The Berlin conference convened (November 15, 1884 – February 26, 1885) It included thirteen participants. Noticeably included in the United States. Others were Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden- Norway, United Kingdom.
Although the United States became the eighth, they never had colonies in Africa. Since the subject is about the people of Israel, I must stress that all the references I make are regarding so-called Bantu Africa. One may want to argue that the Italians colonized non-Bantu Africa. But that is not actually true. Even today there are many Bantu tribes living in Ethiopia, Somalia, Eretria, and Sudan. They face the same oppression and cruelty from their non-Bantu neighbors. A good example is The Kunama people
America identified as one of (the eight) the seven European colonial powers. a Global Super-power
America was not one of the seven European colonial powers in Africa. She however had slaves captured from Africa. Therefore, we read the following about America:
Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition
America did however become a superpower in 1898. She is now the eighth and rules over all the other colonial powers. In fact, over all the world. Perdition here may indicate a steep decline into evil and ungodliness as soon as it became a superpower.
Babylon’s foes get their authority from GOD to destroy it
The ten horns of the beast represent ten kingdoms that were not yet established.
Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, ones which not yet received a kingdom, but receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. Rev 17:13 These have one opinion, and they give the power and their authority to the beast.
We know the beast is Satan. He gives authority to the seven European nations as well as America. But these ten kingdoms also get their authority from Satan. They are of one mind to accomplish a set goal. We will soon see what that goal is.
Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall detest the harlot, and they shall cause her being made desolate, and shall make her naked, and shall devour her flesh, and shall incinerate her by fire.
They are of a singular mind to destroy America. I will not try to identify these ten nations. America has heaped up much ill will among the nations. If you are up with current events, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Syria is on a shortlist. Some have or are on their way to building nuclear weapons.
Rev 17:17 For God gave to their hearts to do his design, and to do one design, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
These kingdoms give their authority to Satan. Here we see that GOD put it in their hearts to destroy America.
The end of Babylon come just before the end of the World
If you read my blog on the Final tribulation, I covered the fact that the Rapture of the saints would have to happen before the fall of Babylon. The fall of Babylon would come after a great and spectacular event. We are introduced to this event in the following verse:
Isa_13:10 For the stars of the heaven, and Orion, and all the cosmos of the heaven shall not give of their light; and the of the sunrising shall be made dark, and the moon shall not give her light.
It is an important event that it is covered in multiple Old and New Testament verses. The foes of America will use the cover of darkness to strike. We also know from the Bible that America’s destruction will precede judgment day because we have the great men of the earth weeping for her.
Rev_18:15 The merchants of these things, the ones who enriched from her, shall stand from far off because of the fear of her torment, weeping and mourning, Rev_18:16 and saying, Woe, woe to the great city, the one wearing fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and being gilded with gold, and precious stone, and pearls.
Final Judgment passed on America the Babylon of the Bible is proof of their wickedness
You will have a better perspective about the calamitous fall of America (Babylon) when you understand by whom hands it will come. These nations will use the cover of darkness to attack Babylon.
Today, America has no shortages of adversaries. They are putting sanctions on half of the world. Promoting civil unrest worldwide and attacking many countries. They occupy and steal the resources of many countries. Today there is a standoff between America on one hand and Russia and China on the other. Russia has a noble cause, but the USA is confronting them in Ukraine. They have bought the world precipitously close to a nuclear confrontation. The dynamics of the American confrontationist attitude will elicit a response soon.
Jer_51:1 Thus says the LORD, Behold, I awaken against Babylon, and against the Chaldeans dwelling there an utterly destroying burning wind. Jer_51:2 And I shall send against Babylon arrogant ones. And they shall insult her, and lay waste her land. Woe upon Babylon round about in the day of her affliction. Jer 51:3 Upon her let the one stretching stretch his bow, and put on what is his weapons! And spare not against her young men, and obliterate all her force!
Revelation 17:16-17 relays the same sentiments.
Rev 17:16 And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall detest the harlot, and they shall cause her being made desolate, and shall make her naked, and shall devour her flesh, and shall incinerate her by fire. Rev 17:17 For God gave to their hearts to do his design, and to do one design, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
The aforementioned nations do these acts at the behest of the “beast” which is Satan.
Even then, it is GOD’s will they are accomplishing. HE is the one controlling their behavior. We know this because of the statement “For God gave to their hearts to do his design”
GOD judge Babylon and the world because of the treatment of the people of Israel
There will be rejoicing in Zion at the fall of Babylon because we read the following:
Rev_18:20 Be glad over her, O heaven, and the holy ones, and the apostles, and the prophets! for God judged your case against her.
As a first down payment of the judgment. GOD just destroyed America for what it did against the people of Israel.
Rev_18:6 Render to her as also she rendered to you, and double up to her double according to her works! In the cup which she mixed, you mix to her double!
Rev_18:24 And in her the blood of prophets and holy ones was found, and of all the ones being slain upon the earth.
Jer_51:24 And I will recompense to Babylon and to all the Chaldeans dwelling there all their evils which they did against Zion before your eyes, says the LORD.
It is important to understand that America rules the entire world. The influence of White Supremacy is far and wide. The teaching of evolution; the propagation of the false Christian religion; and hatred for the people of Israel propagated all over the world by America.
Rev_18:23 and the light of a lamp in no way shall shine in you anymore; and the voice of the groom and bride in no way shall be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your sorcery all the nations were misled.
I have known that America is mystery Babylon since the 1980s. It was clear to me when I first read the revelation.
It is clearly stated in Revelation and other chapters. In denying this they are just fooling themselves
Ehh I can see some of this being evidence of America being Babylon but the whole white supremacist thing doesn’t make sense because America is a melting pot and we have had a black president among others in our government who aren’t white plus we are Israels biggest ally. So some of this stuff is wishy washy at best. Interesting theory tho.