CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only. Christianity today makes up 32% of all religions in the world. It is the religion of the Western societies that run this world. Their claim to fame is centered on an erroneous and baseless idea that JESUS provided salvation for them when HE died on the cross.
But that is not true. The Bible in many places declares that salvation is offered to Israel alone, not Gentile Christians. Wherefore, it is written.
Act_5:31 This one -- God, chief and deliverer, exalted by his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and release of sins.
Israel in the Bible is defined as descendants of a man called Jacob who was born in 2007BCE. He was later renamed Israel by GOD. They are from the lineage of Jacob. Israel is therefore a race of people. They are not an ethnic or religious grouping. Therefore, anyone believing that there is repentance and release of sins for anyone else is deluding themselves. Since there is no relief from the effects of their sins, all will stand in judgment. Whether they are Christians or any other religion.
Israel in the Bible is defined as descendants of a man called Jacob who was born in 2007BCE. He was later renamed Israel by GOD. They are from the lineage of Jacob. Israel is therefore a race of people. They are not an ethnic or religious grouping. Therefore, anyone believing that there is repentance and release of sins for anyone else is deluding themselves. Since there is no relief from the effects of their sins, all will stand in judgment. Whether they are Christians or any other religion.
Shining a light on the Christian heresies will show CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only
Romans/Christians commandeered the original document that the GOD of Israel gave HIS people and corrupted it into their doctrine. They point to many verses to support their claims of replacing Israel as the heir of salvation. All are lies and easily debunked by the original Bible documents.
Today we will shine a light on two prominent ones that read as follows. They are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
(Luk 2:14) Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:32) A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
By these, they are claiming that YESHUA’s coming was a enlighten the Gentiles and provide Salvation for them. Consequently, CHRIST would have died for the sins of Gentiles also. This is the obvious reasoning behind the false translation. But if that was the case the following verse would have been rendered invalid. Because we read.
Act_5:31 This one -- God, chief and deliverer, exalted by his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and release of sins.
Alas! Nothing could be further from the truth. The Good News for Israel was bad news for gentiles.
CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only as HE was the promised Old Testament rescuer for them
Israel is the only group of people that has a tradition of a Savior, MESSIAH. No other nation or people has one. It is written in many parts of the Old Testament. The fact is that Israel’s Savior was expected to rescue Israel from the Gentiles. It is not the other way around.
Since their existence as a nation, they have experienced nothing but affliction and troubles, soon after entering Egypt they were enslaved. This has continued over three millenniums. Except for a few hundred years of the kingdom of David and Solomon, life has gone downhill ever since. Israel’s history has been replete with oppression, abuse, slavery, and colonization
Therefore, CHRIST’s coming Is a realization of numerous Old Testament promises of rescue and help to Israel. This is the reason this was regarded as the “Good News”. This is what they have been expecting for so long. It is a testimony to GOD’s dependability. HE said HE would do it and it was realized in CHRIST’s birth.
The Romans-Christian-Gentiles changed the term “Good News” to “The Gospel”
By the way, you may not have noticed that the term Good News does not appear in the KJV translation. Other translations such as the Septuagint use the term, but the KJV Bible substitutes it with “Gospel”. Let us take a walk back to the Old Testament so we can have some perspective on the fact of Salvation for Israel only. We read the following passage:
(Isa 49:26) the ones afflicting you shall eat their own flesh; and they shall drink their own blood as new wine, and shall be intoxicated. And all flesh shall perceive that I am the LORD, the one rescuing you, and assisting the strength of Jacob.
Rome and Christians were not around at the time of Isaiah, therefore this is about the Sons of Jacob (Israel). Let us take another example.
(Mic_4:10) Travail, and take courage, O daughter of Zion, as the one giving birth! For now you shall come forth from the city, and shall encamp in the plain, and shall come unto Babylon. From there he shall rescue you, and from there he shall ransom you, the LORD your God, from the hand of your enemies.
It is all summed up into the “Good News” for Israel in CHRIST’s coming. These promises and the countless others are so plain that the only thing the Roman/Christian gentile can do is to claim that these promises are realized in the Christian gospel.
(Luke 2:32) A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel
Let us take a serious look at that key verse of (Luke 2:32).
(Luke 2:32) A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
To get context, a particularly good place to start is at verse 10. There we read the following:
(Luke 2:10) And the angel said to them, Fear not! for behold I announce to you good news –great joy which shall be to all people (Luk 2:13-14) And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly military praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men
There are especially important principles whenever you study the Bible. You just do not read something in the Bible and accept it as true unless you test it with other words of the Bible. God’s Word is infallible, therefore there should never be any conflict. Man’s deceit is usually the root of the conflict whenever one is encountered.
For example, we read the prior verses (Isa 49:26), (Mic_4:10) , and other similar verses on one hand and compare them to (Luke 2:10) and (Luke 2:13-14). We see there is a strange dichotomy or conflict between the two sets of verses.
In (Isa 49:26) here GOD promises the Gentile will “eat their own flesh; and they shall drink their own blood as new wine and shall be intoxicated”
By the way, that is for their afflicting Israel. How can that ever be a peaceful thing for Gentiles? Secondly, wherein that is the goodwill to men (them)? that appears in (Luke 2:13-14)
Luk 2:13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly military praising God, and saying, Luk 2:14 Glory in the highest to God, and upon earth peace, among men with benevolence.
Translation Comparisons show CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only
This quote is taken from the KJV translation. It is how we have always been taught this verse. The meaning the translators try to convey to the readers is clear. The coming of YESHUA is a sign, saying: “upon earth peace, Goodwill to the children of men. But comparing this verse in other translations, we have certainty that this is false. We will compare the BIB Berean Interlinear translation. This translation is comparable to KJV but except they didn’t go through a lot of editions (alteration)
BIB Berean Interlinear Bible
(Luk 2:14) Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (KJV King James Version) (Luk 2:14) Glory in[the] highest to God, and earth peace among men with whom He is pleased! (BIB Berean Interlinear Bible)
This represents a 360-degree turnaround. This is plainly saying that YESHUA’s coming is peace (Salvation) to the men on the earth in whom GOD is pleased. Not all men. The full import is Israel. But not all of Israel satisfied this condition. The Bible shows elsewhere that many of Israel will not have peace (salvation)
DRB Douay Rheims Bible
Let us look at the DRB Douay Rheims Bible. This is a Bible translation of the Latin Vulgate into English. It was made by members of the English College, Douai, in the service of the Catholic Church.
(Luk 2:14) Glory to God in the highest: and on earth peace to men of good will. (DRB Douay Rheims Bible)
This conforms with the Berean translations confirming YESHUA’s coming is peace (salvation)to men of goodwill and not all men
A Septuagint translation
Lastly, let us try a Septuagint translation.
(Luk 2:14) Glory in the highest to God, and upon earth peace, among men with benevolence. (ABP Septuagint)
The phrase, men of benevolence here is used instead of the phrase used in the BIB translation, men with whom He is pleased! But each phrase has the same meaning.
Thayer Definition: benevolence (G2107)
1) will, choice
1a) good will, kindly intent, benevolence
2) delight, pleasure, satisfaction
3) desire
3a) for delight in any absent thing easily produces longing for it
This clarifies that JESUS coming was not salvation for all men but only to those of Israel whom it was reserved for.
What is meant by “a light to lighten the nations” (Gentiles)
Now we come to the main statement of this essay. On the way, we learned that the KJV translates to replace Israel with themselves, the Gentiles. So now we should be on guard for the same foolishness. We read the following:
(Luke 2:32) A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
This statement has two parts. because we notice the nations and Israel mentioned separately. The (gentiles) on one hand and the Gentiles on the other. We must examine this closely because it appears to be saying something good about the nations (Gentiles). It uses the verbs “light” and “lighten” in respect to the Gentiles.
But on the other hand, we see GOD uses the word “glory” for Israel. HE even reiterates that Israel is HIS people. GOD made CHRIST the glory of HIS people Israel and HIS coming the good news for them only
CHRIST is the glory of HIS people Israel only as HIS coming is good news for them
For Israel, we have “glory”. We must examine how the word “Glory” is used in this context.
Thayer Definition: Glory G1391
3) splendor, brightness
3b) magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, grace
3c) majesty
3c1) a thing belonging to God
3c2) a thing belonging to Christ
3c2a) the kingly majesty of the Messiah
3c2b) the absolutely perfect inward or personal excellency of Christ; the majesty
4) a most glorious condition, most exalted state
we know that the subject is CHRIST and glory is referring to HIM and not Israel. HE is the glory of HIS people Israel. We know that he is glorious without measure. One does not even have to do a word study, because we know by instinct that this word could only be attributed to CHRIST. The word certainly connotes, excellency, Majesty, Heavenly. So we can say that CHRIST is the glory (a most glorious condition, most exalted state, splendor, brightness, magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, grace, majesty) of HIS people Israel. HE is our glory because it is through HIM, we are rescued from the Gentiles and receive our salvation.
YESHUA A Light to Lighten the Gentiles
Now let us look at the part about the gentiles. We read that “CHRIST is a light to lighten the Gentile”. Here we have two words that need our attention. The words’ Light (G5457) and lighten(G602)
Thayer Definition: light(G5457)
1) light
1a1) emitted by a lamp
2) metaphorically
2c) that which is exposed to the view of all, openly, publicly
In this context, CHRIST is the torch or lamp (metaphorically (2c) that is exposed to the view of all, openly, publicly).
Thayer Definition: lighten(G602)
1) laying bear, making naked
2) a disclosure of truth, instruction
2a) concerning things before unknown
2b) used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all
3) manifestation, appearance
Across all translations the words used are always: an uncovering, lighten or revelation, In Thayer the meanings are constant (1) laying bare, making naked, a disclosure of truth, instruction, concerning things before unknown (2b) used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all (3) manifestation, appearance)
Therefore, CHRIST coming is a disclosure of the truth of the contents of the Gentiles’ hearts of wickedness. The Gentiles would like to cover their evil deeds because man cannot see their hearts. Now their wickedness is laid bare and they are prepared for judgment as described in (Isa 49:26), (Mic_4:10) , and others. The Christian religion will not give them salvation. CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only
The myth of 10 Lost Tribes of Israel Proof America is Babylon of the Bible