Was Paul Apostle to the Gentiles or Israel? According to the Christian teaching and secular tradition, the Apostle Paul ministered to Gentile people. They will even point to verses such as (Gal_1:2) to substantiate these claims. But there is big problem with this idea. The Bible is consistent with the fact that all the Apostles,…
Category: king James Bible lies & historical distortions
The KJV Bible Old Testaments has distortions and lies crafted by the Masoretic between 3rd and 11th centuries. The New Testament has lies crafted by the early Christian church fathers. GOD Word is Infallible. The page of the Bible declares the Word of the Living
2Timothy 3:16–17 Every scripture is God inspired, and beneficial for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction– the one in righteousness; that the man of God
should be complete for accomplishing every good work.
Two theological terms are used to explain the nature of the Bible. They are
inerrancy and infallibility. Both point out the significant difference between the
Bible and all other books written by a man. Many use these terms
interchangeably. But infallibility means incapable of making a mistake, while
inerrancy means the absence of any error.
Infallibility has the idea of being trustworthy, while inerrancy goes further and
says that the Scriptures contain no errors whatsoever. The Author of the Bible
obviously cannot declare anything that is contrary to fact. Therefore, to confess
that the Word of God is infallible, we declare that the Scriptures are incapable of
teaching any errors or inaccuracies. By implication, the Scripture is perfect.
But this argument should be conditional on whether we are talking about the
original Word of GOD. That one penned by the original prophets through whom
GOD spoke these Words.
CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only
CHRIST coming is good news for Israel only. Christianity today makes up 32% of all religions in the world. It is the religion of the Western societies that run this world. Their claim to fame is centered on an erroneous and baseless idea that JESUS provided salvation for them when HE died on the cross….
Sinners are never interned in Hell but annihilated
Sinners are never interned in Hell but annihilated. In religion, it is an afterlife location. The place where evil souls are subjected to punitive suffering, The concept of a punitive place of eternal damnation for sinners has always been part of the Christian dogma. This study will show that GOD is not like man. HE…
A world without end is Unbiblical
The idea of a world without end is unbiblical. The general view of mankind is that this world will never end but will continue into perpetuity. Even for those who claim that the Bible is their authority, there will never be a judgment day. They admit to the realities of war, catastrophes, global warming, disease…
The myth of 10 Lost Tribes of Israel
The Myth of 10 Lost Tribes of Israel is a perplexing idea among Bible students. This idea is not supported by the Bible or any historical documents. But it was perpetrated by the KJV Bible translators. The idea started around the early part of the second century. It gained traction during the 17th century with…